Do you want to be rich?

Do you want to be rich?
Do you want to be rich?

Money and possessions undoubtedly play a significant role in our lives. You have to recognize though that true wealth extends far beyond material belongings. The wealth of life lies in the realms of the simple things. These are our basic needs, experiences and personal growth. These intangible assets contribute to our overall happiness and well-being. They leave a lasting impact on our lives. So, do you want to be rich?

Covering basic human needs is of utmost importance. It ensures the well-being and development of people. Meeting these fundamental requirements, such as food, water, shelter, and clothing, satisfies our human needs.

The wealth of life can be found in the richness of personal experiences. It is through the exploration of nature, hobbies, and adventures that we truly grow as individuals. Experiences have the power to shape our perspectives and broaden our understanding of the world.

Personal growth and self-discovery are fundamental aspects of a fulfilling life. Acquiring knowledge, expanding skills, and developing a strong sense of self are all invaluable assets. In the end, it is all in the life itself.   

So do you want to be rich? You are rich if…

You are in good health

Think about it – what good is a big bank account if you’re constantly plagued by sickness? Good health allows us to truly enjoy the beauty and wonders that life has to offer. It means having the energy to pursue our passions, travel to distant lands, or simply savoring a warm cup of coffee on a quiet morning.

When we are in good health, we can fully engage in life’s experiences with vitality and vigor. Money may provide fleeting moments of pleasure but being healthy brings long-lasting contentment.

You have family or friends to care for you

Having family or friends who genuinely care for you is the ultimate measure of wealth. Money may come and go, but the support and love of loved ones are priceless. It can come in many ways. A parent giving you a reassuring hug during tough times. A sibling always being there to lend an ear. Friends who stick by your side through thick and thin.

These relationships provide us with emotional security and happiness. They offer a sense of belonging and protection that money can never buy. When we have people who truly care for us, we have someone to share our joys and sorrows with. To celebrate milestones and lean on in times of need. Their unwavering presence reminds us that no matter what challenges we face or successes we achieve, there will always be someone cheering us on from the sidelines.

You had something to eat today

Sometimes, it’s the simple things that truly make us feel fortunate. Take having something to eat today, for instance. It may sound trivial to some, but let me tell you, there are people out there who can only dream of a filled plate at the end of their day. When we have the privilege of enjoying a meal, it’s not just satisfying our physical hunger; it also speaks volumes about our access to resources and basic necessities. It means we’re not going to bed with an empty stomach aching and growling all night long. So yes, while money can buy plenty of things in life, sometimes all we need is a good meal to remind us just how lucky we really are.

You have clean water

Having clean water is definitely one of those things that puts a big smile on your face. Think about it – when you’ve got access to clean, fresh water at your fingertips, life just seems a whole lot easier. Not only can you quench your thirst anytime you want, but you can stay squeaky clean too. Trust me, there’s nothing quite like taking a nice hot shower after a long day of work or coming home to a tall glass of crystal-clear water. Plus, having clean water means you’re less likely to get sick from nasty diseases lurking in dirty water sources.

You breathe fresh air

There are many things that no amount of cash can buy. One of those is fresh air. Seriously, think about it. Breathing clean air is such a basic necessity of life. It rejuvenates your body and clears your mind like nothing else can. You may have all the riches in the world, but if you’re gasping for breath in a smog-filled city or trapped indoors with stale air, what good does all that wealth do you? So next time you take a deep breath of crisp mountain air or feel the salty breeze on your face at the beach, remember this: you are rich.

You enjoy nature

If you can appreciate the beauty of nature, then you’re straight up rich. I’m not talking about stacks of cash or fancy possessions. Rather a wealth that comes from deep within your soul. Think of the times you can step outside and be captivated by the beauty of a sunset painting the sky in shades of pink and orange. Or when you can get lost in the tranquility of a babbling brook as it flows through a lush forest. That’s real wealth right there. Being able to find joy in something as simple as feeling the grass between your toes or listening to birds chirping their melody is a kind of luxury money can’t buy.

You enjoy the gift of life

In the end, true wealth lies in appreciating the simple joy of living. Think about it – every breath we take is a gift, every day is an opportunity to experience love, laughter, and adventure. When you really stop and soak it all in, that’s when you realize how truly fortunate and wealthy you are. So don’t just focus solely on accumulating more stuff or comparing yourself to others based on their bank accounts. Remember that you are already incredibly rich just by the virtue of being alive.

Indeed, money and possessions have their place in our lives, providing comfort and security. Nevertheless, it is the wealth of life beyond these materialistic pursuits that truly shapes our happiness and well-being. It is in these intangible assets that we find the true wealth that transcends materialism and consumerism. Do you want to be rich then? If you are ready for a change read this. It is the simple life that matters most.