Let the past go

Let the past go
Let the past go

The past is the past. What happened cannot be undone. But you live in the present and you have a bright future to catch. Let the past go if you want to move forward. You cannot achieve the change you want when you hold on to the way things used to be. It can keep you from fully living your life and achieving your goals. Let go of old habits, beliefs, or relationships and embrace every new opportunity comes your way.

Letting go of the past is very important when you want to change something in your life. When you focus on past events or mistakes, you get those recurring thoughts that always liger in your mind and you become hopeless. Even the good memories of the past can hinder your progress. They are memories and you should keep them as just that. If you only relive those happy moments every day, you get stuck in the past and you cannot move forward.

You can always ask for help when you want to move forward and make a change.  An expert can give you the guidance and support you need. They will also help you find out which are the root causes of your attachment to the past and ways to alleviate them. But despite all the help you may get, if you don’t decide to let the past go, if you don’t commit to it, every effort will be fruitless.

Change needs you to change your mindset and have the ability to let the past go. You need to live fully in the present and look towards the future. You need a growth mindset, and it will allow you to seize new opportunities, live new experiences, and create a whole new lifestyle.

The meaning of the past

So, what is the past? Strictly speaking, the past refers to events or circumstances that have occurred before a particular point in time. It’s your story as a chain of the events that have led you to your current situation.

Random events in your life can have a big impact on your present. Some bad situations may bring financial instability and burdens you carry for a long time, emotional turmoil, or even impact your future opportunities. On the other hand, encounters of chance, a good fortune or a stroke of luck can lead to significant prosperity.

Choices made consciously have also and most profoundly shaped your life as it is now. They determined the path you have followed, the choices you made later on, and the opportunities you have seized or missed. Your past decisions shaped your present reality, either in a good or in a bad way. They also influence the available choices for the future.

The past played a crucial role in shaping your identity and personality. Your experiences, positive or negative, have influenced your thoughts, beliefs, and behavior. Traumatic events left you with emotional scars and had impact on your mental health. Happy times, on the other hand, have boosted confidence and self-esteem. All these made you who you are today.

You are a product of your past. When you honestly decide you need to change, you acknowledge that your life as it is now or status you are in, is no longer desirable or sustainable. You must learn from the past and act in the present to shape a better future for yourself. The past can be a lesson and a memory but only that. You have to break free. You have to understand and acknowledge your past but leave it behind.

Why you hold on to the past

The reason you hold on to the past is complex and situational, as everyone has different reasons for doing so. The past may be familiar and comforting. You may be afraid to let go and forget things. Or you may fear that you will lose yourself. All these reasons are valid, and they are very common. There are many reasons why you may not letting go of the past.


A major reason for it is comfort. Living in the past can be comfortable and safe. It is something familiar that you know well. Relieving memories of happier times can give you a sense of comfort during periods of stress and uncertainty. New experiences can be scary and unsettling, and the past may offer you the reassurance you need.


Then there is nostalgia. You idealize your past, especially your childhood and teenage years. Nostalgia can also be a source of comfort and happiness. This makes you cling to it. It’s natural to yearn for happier times when life seemed easier. Memories of the past hold emotional value that can bring you happiness when all seem dark.


One of the biggest reasons to hold on to the past is fear. You worry that moving on could mean losing something. Also, change can be scary, as it involves stepping into the unknown and leaving your familiar comfort zone. Fear can create a sense of uncertainty and vulnerability, which makes you hesitant of the future.


You may stick on your past as a way to deal with regrets or mistakes. You over̶-analyze things trying to figure out what happened. It is common to think all the time about what you could have done differently. This leads to a cycle of thoughts that prevents you from accepting the past and move forward.


The past is a part of your sense of identity, especially when it comes to your personal history. It’s a way to remain rooted in your culture and identity. Identity is an important element of your personality as it shapes your perceptions, values, and beliefs. It is in human nature to seek continuity, and the past offers a sense of stability.


When you experience the pain of loss, it is common to hold onto the past. It’s a way to feel connected to something important you lost. You try to find ways to hold on to the memory of what was lost, believing it will keep it alive. Memories become a comfort and a way to cope with your emotions and soothe your pain.


Denial is a big reason to hold on to the past because it allows you to avoid facing reality. This way you may deny the negative aspects of the present as shaped by the past. It is also a defense mechanism to protect yourself from emotional pain and trauma.


Finally, when you seek revenge, you hold on to a past injustice or harm you had suffered. You refuse to let go of the hurt and move forward and you become preoccupied with the thought of revenge. It may gibe you a temporary satisfaction, but it also keeps you in the past, unable to fully heal and move on.

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What are the consequences?

When you live in the past, there are consequences. You focus on what happened and on your memories. You idealize an older time in your life or feel nostalgic about a past that is long gone. You may struggle to accept change or adapt to your present life. Then, your perception of reality gets distorted. You feel unsatisfied with your present situation, as you compare it to what you remember from the past. This can have multiple effects on your life.

When you romanticize and idealize your past experiences or memories, you create an emotional attachment to them. This leads you to compare your present with the past, leaving you dissatisfied and unhappy with your life. You become bitter and jealous when you compare yourself to others. After all, when you live in the past you remain stagnant. If you only are  nostalgic of the past, you resist to change. You let new opportunities pass and you miss out on new experiences and growth. You don’t leave room for progress. And you can’t achieve the success you dream of because you do nothing about it.

Then, it can be difficult to be present and connect with other people if you always long for the past. Your social life becomes unbearable, and you feel lonely. Your mental health suffers. You live in sadness as you think that you’ll never experience the past again. Your thoughts become clouded with self-doubt and regret. You hurt and you blame yourself for that. Life becomes stressful and depression is waiting around the corner. Sometimes, it’s better to leave the past as a memory. You have to try to get over it, stand up on your feet, reflect on your life and move on.  

How can you let the past go

Holding on to the past is a big obstacle when you want to change and live a happy life. Staying stuck on what has already happened keeps you from moving forward and enjoying the present. But letting go is not always easy. It needs you to commit yourself and put in the effort to change. There are various strategies you can use to let the past go.

Accept the past

The first step is to accept the past. When you stay stuck on past mistakes or events you can only feel regret, guilt and shame. You cannot move on. Instead, focus on the present and future. Accept that what happened cannot be changed and begin to heal and regain control of your life. Allow yourself the space to grow, learn and eventually succeed.

Focus on the present

The present is where life happens. Be mindful of the present moment and observe any negative emotions or thoughts associated with the past. Acknowledge them and let them pass without losing your grip. It will help you make the most of your life and create new memories. Be grateful for what you have in the present and try to focus on your priorities and goals.

Don’t blame yourself

It’s common to blame yourself for what happened. Taking the blame, though will not change the outcome. Just let go of the blame. Shift your focus towards finding solutions and moving forward. You can take responsibility for your actions and behavior, but also recognize that mistakes happen, take the lesson, and move on.


Forgive the people who hurt you, including yourself. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting what happened or accepting everything you suffer. It means to choose to let go of the anger and the hurt. Just let go of the negative emotions that hold you back and allow yourself to move forward. Adopt a new perspective and find peace within yourself.

Let go of expectations

There may be certain expectations that were not met. Accept it and move forward. When you hold onto expectations, you try to fit your life into preconceived notions, rather than accepting what it actually is. This attachment to some already expired expectations can prevent you from living the experiences of the present and perpetuate bitterness.

Seek support

When you decide to let the past go, it can be challenging. Support from others, experts or not, should be always welcome. It will allow you process you emotions in a healthy way. You’ll gain a new perspective and insights into your situation. It can also help you find the strategies you need to cope with the situation and learn how to deal with difficult emotions.  

Love yourself

In the end, you have to love yourself. Accept your past and your mistakes. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion. It will help you shift your focus from the past to the present and future. Make your priorities personal development and growth. Take all the time you need to love yourself. You can begin to heal from past wounds and create a happier and fulfilling life for yourself.

When you live in the past, you tend to sink yourself in the thoughts of mistakes and regrets. You lose yourself to a cycle of negativity. This fixation on the past prevents you from moving forward and taking action for your future. Let the past go. You deserve to change your life into something meaningful, intentional and fulfilling. Life is simple, but it’s full of opportunities for happiness waiting to transform your present and future.