Be selective with people

Be selective with people
Be selective with people

In your whole life you get to meet many people, but you must be selective with people you let have an impact on it. When you welcome people into your life you create the foundation for change as you get exposure to new perspectives and ideas. You get to see things in a different light and you det the opportunity to broaden your horizon and gain knowledge.

Meeting new people can broaden your social life and provide you with opportunities to make meaningful relationships. You make new friends, you meet love, or you expand your professional circle. Engaging with people from different backgrounds can be challenging, but it will provide an opportunity for personal growth. You have to be mindful though to tell the difference between the right and the wrong ones.

Choosing the right people can have a significant impact on your life. It affects your well-being and success. It can influence your behavior and your beliefs, shaping who you are. Healthy relationships can foster personal growth and happiness. Meaningful bonds can help you heal from the wounds of life, recover, and have a greater sense of purpose. But don’t worry though. If you can’t find a nice person be one, and the rest will fall in place.

What are healthy relationships like?

Healthy relationships are those that share some common traits. In these relationships people share mutual respect and trust. The have effective communication, understanding, and they support emotionally each other. Both partners, show empathy, compassion, and they accept each other for who they are. They prioritize the growth and well-being of their relationship. They set boundaries that are respected, and they share responsibilities and have equal say. People in healthy relationships maintain their individuality and respect each other’s differences. Ultimately, they fulfill the cause of a relationship, that is happiness and fulfillment.


People in healthy relationships treat each other with respect and dignity, no matter what their differences are. They acknowledge and accept each other’s individuality, and they don’t try to change each other. Mutual respect is key as it ensures the value of opinions and feelings. People then, are more likely to feel safe, secure and supported, and create a positive and healthy foundation for their relationship.


Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. It means that one part knows that the other is honest and transparent, not keeping secrets or telling lies. Trust is also when partners don’t try to control or harm each other. Trust allows for vulnerability, as people share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgement or betrayal. On the other hand, lack of trust makes people question the intentions and actions of their partner.


Relationships based on open and effective communication are more likely to be healthy. This means that people listen to each other and express their feelings in a clear and constructive way. It is a vital part of healthy relationships as it promotes mutual understanding and connection. Communication allows for the expression of one’s needs and desires and clears up any conflicts and misunderstandings.


In a healthy relationship, every part show empathy towards the other’s feelings and emotions. They are understanding and supportive during difficult times and celebrate each other’s accomplishments and successes. Empathy helps people give emotional support and reassurance, that bring greater satisfaction and commitment. It also promotes loyalty and understanding, making relationships longer, with more meaning.


Clearly defined boundaries are important. People set limits on what they’re comfortable with and what crosses their boundaries. They need to be aware of each other’s emotional and physical boundaries and not crossing them without consent. Boundaries are essential in healthy relationships as they create space and safety. When boundaries are respected, trust is established, and relationships thrive.


People in healthy relationships should have equal say and decision-making power. This means that they should share responsibility for their actions and decisions. Equality is a fundamental aspect of healthy relationships, where power is shared, and everybody feels valued and respected. This creates a safe and supportive environment through compromise and mutual understanding.

Why do people make relationships?

People are social creatures, and they seek to connect with others. Relationships provide intimacy and belonging, which are important for well-being. Each one has their own unique reasons for pursuing relationships, which are also influenced by factors such as culture, or society. Most people need to be in a relationship to raise children. Being in a healthy relationship provides a safe and stable environment to start a family. Choosing a partner who shares your values and beliefs and raising a child together creates a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Love and affection are the main reasons for people to get into relationships. Relationships are a source of love and affection, and they can fulfill any emotional needs. They provide emotional stability and connection and create a sense of belonging. Love and affection build trust, encourage mutual respect, and create a safe space for communication.

Attraction can be a driving force for relationships. Especially sexual attraction is a fundamental part of many romantic relationships as it creates a physical and emotional desire to explore human nature with a partner. When someone is the epicenter of attraction, it can also boost self-esteem and confidence as the attention and affection of someone can make people feel wanted and desired.

People want someone to share their life with. Relationships provide exactly this. A companion to share both the ups and downs of life. They satisfy the need for emotional connection, support, and intimacy especially towards the twilight of life. A relationship brings security and stability to someone’s life. A partner can provide reassurance and comfort at difficult times. In a relationship, people feel like they can rely on their partner. This feeling builds trust and creates a safe space when someone is vulnerable.  

The wrong reasons

When people get involved in a relationship for the wrong reasons, they form a relationship that is the opposite of healthy. Then, they may become emotionally or financially dependent on the other part. Dependencies are the gateway to jealousy and possessive and controlling behaviors. These behaviors are toxic and result in bad relationships and worse mental health.

People sometimes make relationships for financial benefits as they may need a partner to provide financial stability and support. Other people are attracted to people with high income or assets, which they see as a contribution and security to their own future. Although it can be attractive, it shouldn’t be the only reason for a relationship, as is lacks emotional connection and may not result in a lasting relationship.

Same goes for improving one’s social status. People with high social status often have easier access to resources, connections, and opportunities. Being in a relationship with someone like this can elevate one’s own social standing. It may be self-centered but a relationship like this can provide a sense of belonging and acceptance among a social group. Is it real though?

The fear of loneliness can force people into relationships. When people feel lonely and vulnerable, they may settle for a relationship even if it is not entirely fulfilling. The fear of loneliness can make people staying in unhealthy relationships as are more afraid being alone than they value well-being.

There are several other wrong reasons to be in relationships. Many people need to fill a void in their lives. Others feel pressure because everyone around is in a relationship. Then there is insecurity. While there are many reasons to form relationships, you have to be selective with people and value yourself. Over instrumental motives, choose to be happy.

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Stop wasting time with the wrong people

Wasting time with the wrong people can ruin your growth and well-being. Spending time with people who aren’t a good fit for your goals and the image of who you want to be, is a loss of time. Your lifestyle doesn’t have the room for bad habits. Eventually those people will corrupt your motivation, will tire you and wear you down. In the end, you won’t achieve the change you want.

Surround yourself with people who appreciate and respect you. With people that acknowledge your goals and who you want to be. Who are not jealous of you and your victories and who will be there, by your side, to celebrate your success. You should have in your life people that love you for who you are and that will stay with you no matter if they have something to gain from you or not.

You should have in your life you people who share similar interests, goals, or values. Stay close to people that challenge you intellectually and encourage you to achieve your goals. To people with goals and ambition that can foster self-improvement and personal growth. Spend your life with people who leave room for positivity, compassion, and respect. These are the right people to have in your life. But who are the wrong ones?

Those who just aren’t the right ones

To start with, wrong people are those who just aren’t right. You don’t have a natural connection with them. It is not about looks, beliefs or interests, but rather about the way energies vibe together. It’s okay if you don’t click with everyone, as it’s better finding the right people who align with you and bring out the best in you.

Those who lack empathy

People who don’t show empathy or care about how their actions or words may affect others, are possibly the wrong ones. Some people can’t feel or understand the emotions of others, or don’t care about them. Their behavior is selfish and manipulative, and they can’t connect with others emotionally. Unless it’s because of a mental disorder, stay away from them.

Those who are toxic

People who are always toxic, cynical, or pessimistic can have a detrimental impact on your life. They will drag you down, discourage you, and make you feel worthless or inadequate. Toxic are the people who drain your energy and emotional well-being, leaving you feeling emotionally and mentally exhausted. Toxic people could be anyone from family members and friends to coworkers and lovers.

Those who are negative

Negative people are those who always show pessimistic attitudes and behaviors. They are critical or judgmental, always complain, and focus on problems rather than the good things in life. Negative people often lack motivation and cannot see the positive things. They may also be emotionally draining and drain your energy, leaving you hopeless.

Those who are abusive

Abusive people should be avoided at all costs. They are dangerous in many ways. From the most obvious, that they can hurt you, to the psychological turmoil they can put you into. It could be anyone. A partner, family, a friend, a boss, or a coworker. They can be violent, manipulative or controlling. They may also gaslight you or blame you for their own actions or incompetence. Just run away from them.

Those who are needy

Needy people can be exhausting as they consume all your time and energy. They are those narcissistic people who need attention and constant validation. Self-centric as they are, they only focus on themselves their own needs. There are also those with a victim mentality that need constant support and don’t take responsibility for themselves. They are demanding, and they restrict your freedom.

Those who have no goals

People without goals in your life can hurt your growth as a person and a personality. As they are unfocused, unmotivated, and with no idea of what they want, you may also become stagnant and lose touch with your own goals. Surround yourself with people who inspire you to take yourself to new heights. Who are motivated and enthusiastic with their own dreams and create a growth mindset for yourself. After all, being selective with people means just that. To have around you people who make you feel good with yourself, safe and willing to evolve and succeed in making your dreams come true.

2 responses to “Be selective with people”

  1. […] brings the time for you to connect with others and try new things for your social life. There are many seasonal festivals and events that can lead […]

  2. […] can also be a problem. You shouldn’t care about what society imposes, or of the expectations of people you have in your life. Recognize these external influences and choose to take control of your own life. It is necessary […]

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