Eat that cake!

Eat that cake!
Eat that cake!

Aren’t you tired of putting yourself under pressure all the time? Always on a strict diet, you force yourself to look away when you pass by a bakery with the smell (oh that smell!) dragging you to all the goods that hide inside. You never touch that piece of cake that a colleague offered you. Will you ever eat that cake?

Of course, for the sweet tooths out there it’s all about the cake, and that’s fair! But it’s not only that. Everyone out there has a different meaning to attach to a cake. For some people, it is words never spoken. For others, it is a trip they never went on. Some have feelings never expressed while others never quit their toxic job because they are afraid.

For everyone it’s the same though. It’s that one (or more) thing they keep hidden in their soul and are afraid to acknowledge. It’s the thing they avoid for some reason. The thing they think is forbidden and out of reach. But it’s those things that make the difference between a life spend and a life lived.

Time is not on your side

In average, a human lives for about 80 years. That’s 80 birthdays. 80 summers or blooming meadows in May. Doing some math, 80 years are 960 months, 1000 full moons, 4.175 Saturdays, 29.220 days. How many of those have you lived until today? How many of those do you think you have left?

Time is one of the most valuable things you have. Life passes fast. Every moment that passes is a moment you can never get back. And you still spend your life at a dead-end job, caught up in worries and a meaningless routine. If you had a second chance at this, wouldn’t you spend your time more wisely? Since there aren’t any second chances, what keeps you from living?

You shouldn’t take time for granted. Every night you go to sleep stressed. You think about what you will do the next day. What if the next day never comes? You think you have all the time in the world, but you certainly don’t. Time doesn’t wait for anyone. The days fly by, and before you know it, months and years have passed.

If you don’t let the past go or worry too much about the future, you will lose the present. But life is a continuous of presents. In the present you create memories. You build relationships and the foundations of an unconceivable future. Don’t forget to enjoy the small moments in the present.

Life is all about these small, beautiful moments. Every day is a gift and an opportunity to do something meaningful. Time is short, and you have to make the most out of it not by rushing, but by doing. Eat that cake. Now is the time to do what you please. Don’t leave things for later.

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Follow your heart

Doing what your heart pleases is one of the most liberating things to do. It’s the only way to feel truly satisfied and fulfilled. Search inside. Reflect on your life. Try to understand what feels right for you. Connect with yourself on a deeper level and rediscover your authenticity.

There! In that very moment you’ll see that all those things you kept postponing for a later time and all those things you kept yourself from doing are the things that can make you happy. Happiness can be momentarily like the sweet taste of that cake you were craving about or lasting as doing what you always wanted will set you free. In any case, you create your own happiness.

When you finally decide to follow your heart and be true to who you are, you get to do all those things that excite and inspire you. You open the box where you keep your desires hidden and start making them happen. You are not afraid to say the things you wanted. To quit a toxic job and start chasing your dreams. You don’t need much, you know. Only the things that fulfill you.

When you see that cake that makes you drool, don’t hesitate. Grab it and eat it. Don’t think about the future. Don’t think that you’ll get fat and other people won’t like you. Who cares after all, since you like yourself and you are happy. Think only of your health. Nothing more.

Now, replace the cake with anything your heart desires and there you have it. You will have made the first step to a new, better version of yourself. Make the decision to live your life and set yourself free.

Set yourself free

Life is too short not to live the way you really want to. Why would you stay in situations that will never work for you? To never say what you really think, go where you want to go and do what you want to do? It’s not natural to stand in front of a cake you really want to taste and choose not to because of some reason that holds you back.

Follow your own path, never caring about what others may think. Don’t try to meet other people’s expectations. It’s impossible. Everyone has their own mindset. Their own ideas and values. Don’t try to compare yourself to others. Stop following rules that aren’t even yours. Live by your own rules.

Set yourself free and do what makes you happy. It’s that simple. When something bothers you, listen to your own heart and trust your own choices. Just like that, live a life free, exciting and in peace as you are no longer holding yourself back or pretending to be something you’re not.

Explore your passions, try new things, and make mistakes. Yes, mistakes are allowed! Do not fear them! Just learn from them and move on. Live without fear of judgment. Spend your days alive, doing what makes you happy and staying true to who you really are.

Just eat that cake!

So, eat that cake! Cross the Rubicon! Go! Say it! Do it. Do what you need to do to make yourself feel complete. To make your dreams come true and do what your soul pleases. To fulfill your life and the meaning you give to it. There’s not much time left. Use it to live each day to the fullest.