
  • Less is more

    Less is more

    Simplicity and minimalism are key ingredients for the recipe to find peace, clarity, and success. A mentality that helps you accept that less is more allows you to declutter your mind and focus on what truly matters. Adopting an attitude of simplicity brings you a sense of freedom and empowerment. Quality over quantity is a…

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  • Set boundaries

    Set boundaries

    Boundaries are limits and guidelines that people set to protect their physical, emotional and intellectual well-being. They define what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior and help to maintain healthy and respectful relationships. Reflect on your life and try to make it better. See what’s not working for you and set boundaries. Types of boundaries Boundaries…

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  • Boundaries are important

    Boundaries are important

    Healthy relationships are very important in your life, and they need you to set and maintain boundaries. They are important both for your personal and professional relationships. You have to understand why they are important, what are they, and how to effectively communicate and uphold them. It is a form of self-care, essential for your…

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  • Believe you deserve happiness

    Believe you deserve happiness

    You have to believe you deserve happiness. This is the best way of thinking if you want to take control. At the core of this belief lies the notion of self-worth. The deep-seated belief in your own value. The belief that you do deserve all that you wished for. Sit back and reflect on every…

    Read more: Believe you deserve happiness


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