The golden rules of life

The golden rules of life
The golden rules of life

So lately things have become even more complicated than it already was. Life doesn’t come with a manual and can be overwhelming at times. All along the way, you may have many choices to choose from. Many decisions to make or many different paths to take. But you’ll also face many challenges and go through changes. Luckily, you’ll also have solid ground to stand if you need: the golden rules of life.

Nothing sophisticated! Just some basics on which you can build your personality and stay authentic in a world full of copies. Even if you don’t want that much of a change, they can be just some words to reflect on and to use to make your life a little bit brighter and easier for you.

These little drops of wisdom can be your compass when you need direction. Of course, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to life, and everything is subjective. But there are some universal truths, some principles that can help you when you need some motivation or a boost to face challenges. Some reminders to stay grounded, focused and live the life you want.

Let it go

Let go! Release all the things that are holding you back. They are just weights you carry on your back, and they don’t allow you to follow your dreams. You don’t need that. You don’t need those recurring negative thoughts. Nor guilt from past mistakes and grudges or frustration from some injustice. There’s no need to stay stuck in happy moments that belong to the past.

Why should you stay stuck in situations where you can’t change what has already happened? Why do you obsess over things that don’t really matter for your life as it is now? Your life is now, you know. Live it! Time passes so fast, and you’ll find yourself someday regretting how you spend your life.

Focus on what you can control in the present moment. Handle how you react. Don’t cause yourself unnecessary stress. Accept your feelings. Learn from them and then decide to move forward. Release the emotional burden so you can heal, forgive, and find peace.

Ignore them

There are some people who can only be described as noise in your life’s melody. Don’t try to make them lower the volume or to tune in with you. Just ignore them. Ignore them to keep your peace and stay focused on the things that really matter. Don’t let them and their negativity affect your happiness.

In life, you will always have to face people who criticize, gossip, or try to bring you down. They can be relatives, colleagues or mere acquaintances. They may say or do things that do not matter, they may be unkind or even toxic to you. Let them understand that you will never tolerate them and without being rude or losing your time explaining, cleanse your life from their negativity.

You cannot control what others do or say. There will always be drama. But you can control how you respond to that. Stop trying to prove people wrong. Protect your energy and focus on yourself. Ignore them to avoid wasting time on things that don’t serve you. It’s all about self-care. Feel free to accept in your life only positive influences that uplift your spirit.

Give it time

Things never just happen. Certainly, they rarely happen at a time you want them to. Not everything goes according to plans or on schedule. Also, it’s okay to not have everything figured out right away. Things need time to unfold and become part of your reality. So, give it time. Time is precious but there’s no need to rush things.

Have patience when things don’t come the way you want. Don’t be anxious and try to make things happen quickly. When you try to heal, you should know that only time heals. Take a step back and wait. Everything will get better. When it rains, wait for the sun to shine again, because it will.

Trust the process and be patient with yourself and the world around you. Not everything can be rushed, and some of the best things in life take time. Success doesn’t happen overnight. You build your own growth little by little until you outshine everyone. Time is a part of the journey. Give it time for things to grow, heal, and develop and you will have better and more lasting results.

Be authentic

Don’t you see you are unique? You think your own way, you have your own values and dreams and your distinctive talents. Don’t compare yourself to others. It’s a waste of your time. This is your own, personal journey. Follow your own path and walk your way trusting your own abilities.

Social media and the relentless flow of information make it very easy for you to fall into the trap of meaningless comparisons. You witness success and happiness all the time. People living the high life, making tons of money and all that the easy way. Have you ever wondered whether it’s true though? And even if it was true, why would you care?

Focus on your own journey. Don’t measure your worth against the achievements or the lives of others. Set your goals and be proud of every small victory along the way. It’s okay if your life doesn’t look like what you see on social media. Behind every success story, there are struggles and hard work that aren’t always visible. Gather your strengths to work hard for your own dreams.

Stay calm

Life can be hard sometimes. You may face all kinds of challenges, stressful situations, arguments with others, and moments of uncertainty. But no matter how hard times can be you have to stay calm. You have to have the capacity to see things clearly and find solutions. To be able to use your mind and avoid losing your grip in anger.

Don’t let your emotions take over in the heat of the moment. Avoid reacting with anger, fear, or panic. Give yourself the space and time to pause, breathe, and think before you act. That way you can make better decisions, and you will avoid saying or doing things you might regret later.

Of course, you shouldn’t ignore your emotions or pretend that everything is okay when it’s not. Staying calm doesn’t mean cutting yourself off from reality. It means finding a way to manage your feelings so that they don’t control you. To step back for a moment, take a deep breath and bring you back to a place of balance.

It’s on you

You are in control of your life. You decide on your choices and actions, and you are responsible for what happens in your life, both for the good and the bad. Your future is in your hands. You can shape it the way you want and make it the outcome of your own choices and actions.

Don’t blame others or any transcendent power for your life as it is now. If you don’t like something or you want something to change, it starts with you. You must acknowledge anything that doesn’t work for you and take action to make things happen.

Own your decisions and the impact they have on your life. Be accountable. If something goes wrong, quit making excuses and learn from the experience. Grow and become better. Just stop waiting for things to magically happen and start taking the actions that will take you forward. You are the one who holds the keys to your own success.

Live your life

Live your life today and every day. The past is gone, and tomorrow is never guaranteed so today is all you have available to live, laugh and love! You have been given the precious gift of life. Life is too short, and it would be such a shame if you spend it instead of living it.

You don’t have to worry too much about the future, uncertain as it is. Work hard for it but never lose yourself in the effort. You also shouldn’t keep thinking of the past. The past should be left behind. Losing your mind on what could have been or what might be only steals the precious moments you have right now.

Instead, try not to miss a thing while your eyes are open. Take advantage of every opportunity for new adventures and experiences to create memories. Think each day as a blank canvas, waiting for you to paint it with your dreams and efforts for a better life. A life you live in your own terms.